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When love becomes criminal My Pint of Science talk took a particular view in order to explore one possible way to understand some kinds of offences, in particular contexts, a view that both would fit in with the theme of the session (Love and Other Drugs) and would promote the general, important idea that we need to think about events and behaviours, and try to understand them, rather than label them. My opinion is that a lot of labelling is unhelpful as it carries with it other consequences, one of which is that we start to believe that there is no understanding, or limited understanding, or one way of understanding. Without real understanding, which requires questioning and thinking, we can't change things. Sometimes this kind of questioning can lead to ruination. Quite recently a friend of mine has lost his job because he suggested we question some of the accepted explanations for political events. So asking questions can be unsettling and powerful. I thought it might

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